Mancala World

The following lists provide some basic information on traditional mancala games. They describe 304 games.

Traditional Mancala Games in Africa[]

Game Alternative Names Region Board Counters Laps Goal Additional Information
Abalala'e Abala, Abalalà Eritrea 3x6 3 multiple capturing most counters ---
Achochodi Axoxodi Ivory Coast 2x6 4 single capturing most counters ---
Adi Annana Ghana 2x6 4 multiple capturing most counters variant of Ba-awa
Ajua --- Kenya 2x8 3 multiple capturing most counters variant of Boola
Alemungula --- Ethiopia (West) 2x5 5 single capturing most counters played by Wetawit youngsters; closely related to Um el Bagara
Andada --- Eritrea (West) 2x12, 15, 18, 21, 24 2 multiple capturing most counters played by Kunama elders
Andot --- Sudan (Kassala) 2x6 4 single capturing most counters played by the Beja
Anywoli --- Ethiopia (Gambela), Sudan 2x12 4 multiple capturing most counters played by the Anuak; related to Ba-awa and Obridjie
Aringari --- Sudan (?) (?) (?) capturing most counters played by the For; 5 players
Aweet --- Sudan 4x10 4 in the outer rows; 0 in the inner rows multiple immobilize the opponent variant of Coro; played by the Dinka
Azigo --- Nigeria (Aro Chuku, Calabar) 2x20 5 in each of the 7 leftmost holes; 1 in the 8th hole; the rest is empty single immobilize the opponent played by the Igbo; men's game; boards symbolize the spiritual cosmos
Ayoayo Aji, Ajito, Ayo, Madji, Tamtam Apachi, Yovodji Benin, Ghana, Nigeria 2x4, 5, 6 4 multiple capturing most counters played by the Mina and the Yoruba
Ba-awa --- Ghana 2x6 4 multiple capturing most counters played by the Twi; related to Obridjie
Bakuk --- Morocco 2x3 6 single capturing most counters played by Amazigh; related to Koumma
Bao Kiarabu (Variant I) Bao Kenya (Mombasa), Tanzania (Zanzibar) 4x8 3 multiple immobilize the opponent related to Hawalis (?)
Bao la Kigogo Bao Tanzania 4x12 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Gogo; related to Bao Kiarabu (Variant I)
Bao la Kimasai --- Tanzania (Kilimanjaro) 4x8 1 in each inner hole; 24 in each hand multiple capturing all counters from the opponent's inner row played by the Masai; men's game (?)
Bao la Kiswahili Bao La Kete, Bao La Komwe, Bao La Kucheza, Bao La Zanzibar, Bau, Bawo, Busolo, Katra, Lusole Burundi (Bujumbura), Comores (Anjouan), D. R. of the Congo (Kisangani), Kenya (Coast), Madagascar (Northwest), Malawi, Tanzania (Coast, Zanzibar) 4x8 irregular (20 on board, 44 in hand) multiple immobilize the opponent; capturing all counters from the opponent's inner row played by the Swahili, Bajun, Bangubangu, Sakalava and Yao; men's game; most difficult rules of all mancala games; Bao proverbs and poems; tournaments
Baré Bare Sudan 4x12 4 multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Anuak
Baruma --- D. R. of the Congo 4x8 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Lugbara
Bechi --- Eritrea 2x4 6 single capturing most counters played by the Kunama
Boola --- Kenya 2x12 0 & 3 multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Ariaal, Rendille and Samburu
Bosh --- Somalia 2x5 4 Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters probably related to Indian mancala games
Bulto --- Ethiopia (South), Kenya (North) 2x10 2 multiple capturing most counters played by the Oromo; men's game
Cela --- Angola 4x7 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Nkangela and Ngalangi
Cepenet --- Kenya 4x4, 8, 12, 16, 24 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Marakwet
Chiana --- Malawi 4x any size 4 multiple capturing holes played by the Mayanja; children's game
Chisolo I Cisolo Zambia 4x5 3 multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Tonga; related to Mulabalaba
Chisolo II Cisolo Zambia 4x5 3 multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Tonga
Coro I Choro Uganda 4x8 4 in the outer rows; 0 in the inner rows multiple immobilize the opponent variant of Omweso played by the Lango
Coro II --- Uganda 4x8 ? multiple immobilize the opponent variant of Omweso played by the Acoli
Cuba --- Mozambique, South Africa 4x4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 or 22 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Ronga and Tonga; related to Moruba
Dabuda --- Djibouti, Ethiopia 2x6, 10 4 multiple capturing more seeds played by the Afar
Dagh --- Nigeria (?) (?) single (?) capturing most counters played by the Tiv and Munshi
Deka --- D. R. of the Congo 3x5 or 6 (outer rows) or 2 (central row) 2 multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Uombe and the Nyanga; related to Embeli
Dwong Soro D. R. of the Congo 4x8 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Alur
Éhérhé --- Ghana 2x6 4 single capturing most seeds related to Oware
El Arnab --- Sudan 2x3 irregular (a total of 14) multiple repetition of the board position mancala puzzle (solitaire) played by the Kababish
Elee --- Kenya, Uganda 4x8 ? multiple immobilize the opponent variant of Omweso played by the Teso
Embeli Ambala D. R. of the Congo (Buta, Bafwasende) 3x10 (outer rows) or 2 (central row) 4 (outer rows); the 2 holes in the central row have 0 multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Boa and Bali
En Gehé --- Tanzania (North) 2x40-50 4 multiple capturing most counters played by the Loitha and Kisonga Masai
Enkeshui --- Kenya 2x8, 10, 12 irregular multiple capturing most counters played by the Masai, but only by men
En Dodoi Endodoi Kenya, Tanzania 2x6, 8, 10 4 multiple capturing most counters played by Masai men
Fifanga --- Madagascar 4x8 irregular (12 on board, 52 in hand) multiple immobilize the opponent; capturing all counters from the opponent's inner row simplified Bao la Kiswahili variant
Gamacha Yada Ethiopia (South) 2x12 irregular multiple capturing most counters played by the Hadiya and the Walamo
Giuthi --- Kenya 2x5-10 4-9 single capturing most counters played by the Kikuyu and Embu Masai; pastime of young boys
Goré --- Ivory Coast 2x4 6 multiple capturing most counters played by the Guro
Huroy --- Ethiopia (Omo valley) 2x6 4 single capturing most counters played by the Mursi; recreation of adult males
Hus //hūs, Lochspiel, Ogoro, Onjune, Onyune, Otjitoto, Owela, Thuskae, Uera, Xoros, Wera Namibia 4x8-24 2 in the outer rows and the right half of the inner row; the rest is empty multiple immobilize the opponent played by Damara (Berg-Dama), Namaqua, Herero, Kanyama, Ndonga, Kwangari, Mbukushu, Shambyo and Hei//om by both sexes; associated with rain-making; tournaments
Ichwe --- Nigeria (?) (?) single (?) capturing most counters played by the Okpu clan
Igisoro Gisoro, Ibisoro, Ikisoro, Ikibuguzo, Kubuguza, Kusuro, Kuwaguza Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda 4x8 4 in the inner rows; 0 in the outer rows multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Tutsi; tournaments
Igori Ogori (?) Nigeria (?) (?) single (?) capturing most counters played by the Igbirra; similar game probably by the Igara
Imbelece Ambala D. R. of the Congo (near Kisangani) 3x6 (outer rows) or 4 (central row) 3 multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Genya; men's game
Ise Ozin Egbe --- Nigeria 2x3 irregular (a total of 22) multiple repetition of the board position solitaire game
Isafuba --- Zimbabwe 4x8-15 and more ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Kalanga
Isiimbi --- Tanzania 4x8 irregular (8 on board, 56 in hand) multiple immobilize the opponent; capturing all counters from the opponent's inner row simplified Bao la Kiswahili variant played by the Fipa
Isolo I --- Zambia 2x8 2 (plus an unlimited stock) multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Bemba
Isolo II Isumbi Tanzania 4x8 2 multiple immobilize the opponent played by Sukuma girls
Isolo III Isumbi Tanzania 4x8 2 (then rearranged) multiple immobilize the opponent played by Sukuma boys
J'erin --- Nigeria 2x6 4 single capturing most counters played by the Yoruba; similar to Ba-awa
Je ki n je --- Nigeria 2x6 4 single / multiple capturing most counters ---
J'odu Jodokarase Nigeria (Keta) 2x6 4 multiple capturing most counters played by Yoruba women and children
Kabwenga --- Zambia 4x8 irregular multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Bantu Botatwe
Kacigh --- Kenya 4x11-12 ? multiple immobilize the opponent variant of Omweso played by the Pokot
Kale --- Gabon 2x6 4 single capturing most counters variant of Oware played by the Fang
Kanona --- Zambia (Mwinilunga District) 4x8 2 multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Lunda
Kâra --- Sudan (Kordofan) 2x6 7 multiple capturing most counters played by the Bagara during Ramadan; four-person game
Katra Fandatsaka --- Madagascar 4x8 irregular (12 on board, 52 in hand) multiple immobilize the opponent; capturing all counters from the opponent's inner row simplified Bao la Kiswahili variant
Katra Gorobaka --- Madagascar 4x8 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Tanala and Merina
Katra Mpantsaka --- Madagascar 4x8 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Tanala and Merina
Katro I --- Madagascar (Fianarantsoa) 6x6 2 multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Betsileo; sowing in a unique "boustrophedon" direction; only 6-row game
Keci Kecig Kenya 4x9-15 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Pokot
Kecuek --- Kenya 4x10-12 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Tugen
Kiela --- Angola (North) 4x10 irregular for advanced players (a total of 56) multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Kimbundu; tournaments
Ki-Nyamwezi --- Kenya 4x4 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Digo
Kiothi --- Kenya 2x10 4 leftmost holes are empty, each of the 6 rightmost contain 5 multiple capturing most counters played by the Meru; Kiothi Club in the 1970s
Kisolo Cisolo D. R. of the Congo 4x6-7 3 Pussa Kanawa capture all seeds in the opponent's inner row played by the Luba, Lulula and Songye
Kisoro Kisolo D. R. of the Congo 4x8 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Ngbaka, Ngbandi and Mbanja; related to Mangola
Kisumbi --- D. R. of the Congo 4x8 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Sanga
Koumma Hefari (?), Hefira (?) Morocco (Ouled M'taâ) 2x3 6 single capturing more counters played by Arabic people; variant of Um ed-Dyar
Kpo Kbo, Poo Liberia 2x6 4 (3 if 3 or 4 play) single capturing more counters played by the Deys, Veys, Pesseh, Gedibo and Queah; minor variant of Oware, which can also be played by 3 or 4 persons
Krur Crur, Hrur, Khrour, Krour, Kurùr Mauretania, Morocco (Western Sahara) 2x4 4 multiple capturing most counters played by the Hassaniya; children's game
Kuoless --- Guinea 2x2-10 4 single capturing more counters played by the Baga; variant of Oware, which can also be played by 2-10 persons
Kwahilka Aitidikus --- Eritrea, Ethiopia 3x3 1 (in the first hole: 2) multiple learning to play mancala games solitaire
Lahemay Waladat --- Ethiopia (southern Tigré) 2x6 4 multiple capturing most counters ---
Lamè Uwèlèdèt --- Eritrea 3x6 3 multiple capturing most counters variant of Sulus Nishtaw
Lami --- Ethiopia (South) 2x10 2 multiple capturing most counters played by the Borana; variant of Lamlameta
Lamlameta --- Ethiopia (Olanta) 2x12 2 multiple capturing most counters played by the Konso
Latho --- Ethiopia (south-central) 2x6 irregular (a total of 30) none removing all counters blindfolded played by the Dorze; a game of memory
Layli Goobalay I --- Somalia 2x6 4 multiple capturing most counters played by Somali camel herders
Layli Goobalay II --- Somalia (Berbera, Somaliland) 2x12 4 multiple capturing most counters played by Somali camel herders
Leka --- D. R. of the Congo, Uganda 4x8 ? multiple immobilize the opponent variant of Omweso played by the Alur
Lela Lien' D. R. of the Congo 4x7 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Kuba
Li'b al-Aqil --- Egypt 2x6 arbitrary (a total of 72) multiple capturing most counters ---
Li'b al-Ghashim --- Egypt 2x6 arbitrary (a total of 72) multiple capturing most counters ---
Li'bat Iblis Gamma Sudan, West Africa 2x4 4 multiple repetition of position played by the Dogon and other people
Lubasi Mvete, Mbese D. R. of the Congo 4x7 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Sengere and Lubala; related to Mangola
Luela Cela Angola, D. R. of the Congo 4x11 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Bindi and Cokwe
Lukho --- Kenya (Mount Elgon) 2x8 irregular multiple capturing most counters played by the Bukuso; game of mature males
Lusolo --- Kenya 4x8 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Lega
Luuth --- Ethiopia (West), Sudan 2x7 4 single capturing most counters played by the Nuer; men's game
Mangala --- Egypt (Red Sea Coast), Sudan (Coast) 2x6 arbitrary (a total of 70) multiple capturing most counters played by the Bedawi
Mangola --- D. R. of the Congo (Kinshasa) 4x8 2 multiple immobilize the opponent new game developped after 1911
Mangura --- D. R. of the Congo 4x10? ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Boa; predecessor of modern Mangola
Mbangbi --- Cameroon 2x5 8 single capturing most counters played by the Nsungli
Mbele Nembele D. R. of the Congo 4x8 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Kaliko, Logo, Mangbele and Mangbetu; related to Mangola
Mbelele --- D. R. of the Congo (between Kisangani and Buto) 3x16 (outer rows) or 4 (central row) 2 multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Manga
Mbothe --- Keya (Tana river) 2x10 2 multiple capturing most counters played by the Pokome by both sexes
Mefuvha --- South Africa (Northeast) 4x6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 or 28 2 except for the leftmost hole of the inner row, which has 0, and the adjacent hole (same row), which contains 1 multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Venda; symbolic meanings are athmospheric conflict and cattle-raiding
Mongale --- Kenya (Mombasa) 4x8 irregular (a total of 64) multiple immobilize the opponent ---
Mongola --- D. R. of the Congo 4x7 alternately 4 and 0 multiple immobilize the opponent ---
Moruba Maruba, Mofuba, Ncuva, Tshimaya, Ntijwa, Tsoro South Africa (Transvaal) 4x6, 8, 10, 12, 14, or 16 2 multiple immobilize the opponent originally played by the Pedi; tournaments
Msuwa --- Malawi 4x8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 or 20 2 except in the right-hand endhole of the front row (=0) multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Mayanja; related to Nsolo
Msuwa Wa Kunja --- Malawi 4x8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 or 20 2 in the back row; 0 in the front row multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Mayanja; related to Nsolo
Mucuba --- D. R. of the Congo, Rwanda (Lake Kivu area) 4x8 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Shi
Mulabalaba --- Zambia 4x6, 8, 12 or 16 2 or 3 multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Lozi and Toka
Mutiteba --- D. R. of the Congo, Rwanda (Lake Kivu area) 4x8 irregular multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Hunde
Mwambulula --- Zambia (Kasana) 4x8 2 in the outer rows; 16 in hand multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Bemba
Nakabili --- Zambia 4x8 2 except the front left-hand hole which has 0 multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Bantu Botatwe
Nam-Nam --- Ghana 2x6 4 multiple capturing most seeds played by the Twi; variant of Ba-awa
Nambayi --- D. R. of the Congo (Panga) 2x8 (outer rows) or 2 (central row) 3 multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Popoi; related to Embeli
Ncaya --- Mozambique, Tanzania 4x5-8 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Konde
Nchuba Ncuba Zambia 4x8 2 in the back row; 0 in the front row multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Tumbuka
Nchuwa --- Malawi 4x6, 9, 12, 15 2 multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Atonga
Ndebukya --- D. R. of the Congo, Uganda 4x7 2 Pussa Kanawa capture all seeds in the opponent's inner row played by the Nande; related to Kisolo
Ndoto --- Kenya 2x8 2 multiple having more counters on the own side played by the Kilinye
Ngikilees --- Uganda 4x8, 10 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Karamojong
Ngikiles --- Kenya 4x12 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Turkana
Ngikileth Amoru Ethiopia, Uganda 4x11, 12, 13 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Nyangatom
Njombwa --- Malawi 4x8, 9, 10 irregular multiple capturing all counters played by the Yao
Nsa Isong Nsa-Isong Nigeria 2x6 4 multiple capturing most seeds played by the Efik; related to Ba-awa
Nsolo Nchombwa Malawi, Zambia (Ndola) 4x8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34 or 36 2 except for the rightmost hole in each inner rows multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Angoni
Nsumbi --- D. R. of the Congo 4x8 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Taabwa
Num-Num --- Ghana 2x6 4 multiple minor variant of Adi
Obridjie --- Nigeria 2x6 4 multiple capturing most counters played by the Ijaw; women's game; related to Ba-awa
Oce --- Tanzania (Kilimanjaro) 2x6 ? multiple? capturing most seeds played by the Caga
Ocela --- Angola 4x14 ? multiple immobilize the opponent ---
Ohojichi Ohojitxi 2x6 4 single passing all seeds to the opponent ---
Oluwuka --- Nigeria 2x6 4 multiple capturing most counters variant of Oware
Omweso Mweisho, Mweso, Omwesso Uganda 4x8 4 in the outer rows; 0 in the inner rows multiple immobilize the opponent and numerous other (positional) victory conditions played by the Buganda; national game; men only; tournaments
Otra --- D. R. of the Congo 4x8 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Kaliko; variant of Otu
Otu --- D. R. of the Congo 4x8 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Lugbara
Ouri --- Cape Vert 2x6 4 single capturing most counters variant of Oware
Oware Awélé, Awalé, Aware, Ayo, Ayoayo, Dagboprou, Oura, Ouri, Ouril, Ourin, Ti, Wari, Wolo, Wora, Woro (numerous names for closely related variants) Cape Verde, Gambia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Mali, Nigeria, Sierra Leone 2x6 4 single capturing most counters played by the Akan; most popular mancala game; tournaments
Pereauni --- Uganda 4x8 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Didinga, Topotha and Dodoth
Qelat I --- Eritrea 2x6 4 single capturing most counters played by the Beni Amir and Mensa; men's game; often for large stakes
Qelat II --- Eritrea (Keren-Agordat) 2x6 4 multiple capturing most counters played by both sexes; adult's game
Rio Kadalis --- Somalia (Hargheisa, Jigjiga) 2x6 4 multiple capturing most counters played by the Habr Awal
Ruhesho --- Tanzania 4x8 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Ha, Nyambo, Sumbwa, Yoza, Ziba, and Zinza
Sadéqa --- Ethiopia, Sudan 2x10 4 multiple capturing most counters played by the Jimma; men's game
Selus --- Eritrea (Massawa) 3x6 3 multiple capturing most counters ---
Shayo --- Nigeria 2x6 4 single capturing most counters Oware variant played by the Yoruba
Sokusowó --- Nigeria 2x6 4 multiple capturing most counters ---
Songo Douala --- Cameroon 2x7 8 single capturing most counters played by the Ekang; men's game; tournaments
Songo Ewondo Songa Cameroon, D. R. of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon 2x7 5 single capturing most counters played by the Douala game; tournaments
Soro --- Sudan 4x8 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Bari
Spreta --- Malawi 4x8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 or 20 1 except in the right-hand endhole of the front row (=0) and the third from the left in the front row (=3) multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Achikunda; related to Msuwa
Sulus Aidi Awagagá Eritrea 3x6 3 multiple capturing most counters ---
Sulus Nishtaw --- Eritrea 3x6 3 multiple capturing most counters ---
Sute --- Malawi 4x8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 or 20 1 except in the right-hand endhole of the front row (=0) multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Achikunda
Takti --- Tanzania 2x9 3 multiple capturing most counters played by the Iraqw
Tapata --- Ethiopia (South) 2x12 irregular multiple capturing most counters played by the Konso; related to Gamacha
Tchadji --- Mozambique (Ilha de Moçambique) 4x8 2 multiple immobilize the opponent ---
Tchouba Nchuwa, Tschuba Mozambique (Inhambane, Zavala) 4x16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40 2 multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Tonga and Chopi; largest mancala game
Tegre --- Ethiopia (South) 2x6 4 multiple capturing most counters played by the Dorze
Tihbat --- Morocco (Taurirt) 2x2 7 multiple capturing most counters children's game
Tok Ku Rou Tok Kurou Ethiopia (Far West), Sudan 4x12-13 4 multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Dinka and the Shilluk; variant of Baré
Tokoro Tokolo D. R. of the Congo 4x8 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Ngbaka, Ngbandi and Mangbetu; related to Mangola
Tsoro Fuva, Imbwe Zimbabwe (Northeast) 4x6, 8, 12, 15, 18, 21 2 in the outer holes; the inner holes have 0 multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Shona
Udi Curi Kenya 4x4-6 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Digo
Uera --- Namibia (Okavango) 4x10 ? multiple immobilize the opponent variant of Hus played by the Mbukusha
Um ed-Dyar Enmediar, Krur, Khrour, Kurúr, Manddiaré, Umdiyar, Umm Dyar Mauretania 2x2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 4, 6, 8, 10 or 12 (depending on the board size) single capturing most counters played by the Hassaniya; women's game; popular during Ramadan and after Zohor
Um el Bagara Mangala Sudan (Kordofan) 2x5 5 single capturing most counters played by the Kababish Arabs; popular during Ramadan; related to Alemungula
Um el Banat Mazageb Eritrea, Sudan (North) 2x6 4 multiple capturing most counters played by the Kababish Arabs
Um el Tuweisat --- Sudan (Kordofan) 2x3 3 single capturing most counters played by the Kababish Arab children; related to Um el Bagara
Um Laarais --- Morocco (Western Sahara) 2x6 4 multiple capturing most counters three-person game
Urim Huri, Ouri, Ourim, Òrè, Ori, Ôrim, Ourim, Uri, Urim, Urinca Cape Vert 2x6 4 single capturing most counters variant of Oware
Usolo --- Tanzania 4x16 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Turu
Wouri --- Mali 2x6 4 multiple played by the Malinke; variant of Ba-awa
Yit --- Sudan 4x12 ? multiple immobilize the opponent played by the Nuer

Traditional Mancala Games in Asia[]

Game Alternative Names Region Board Counters Laps Goal Additional Information
Agsinnoninka Chuncajon Philippines (Mountain Province) 2x5 5 Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters all moves are performed simultaneously; played by young girls of the Iloko
Ali Guli Mane Aḷu Gulimane Āṭa India (Karnataka) 2x7 5 Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters played by young and old alike
Altıev --- Turkey (Anatolia) 2x6 3 (?) (?) ---
Arasu Āṭa --- India (Kanara) 2x7 (central 3 holes of each row controlled by 3rd player) 4 Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters 3 players; related to Raja Pasu Mandiri
Aw-li On-nam Ot-tjin Otjin Indonesia (Borneo) 2x7 2-5 multiple capturing most counters played by the Penihings; symbolizes "fishing"
Bajangkaq --- Indonesia (Central Sumatra) (?) (?) (?) (?) rules not yet described
Baqura Bāqūra Iraq 2x6 6 multiple capturing most counters ---
Bay Khom --- Cambodia 2x5 4 (5 at each row's end) Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters ---
Beatta --- Saudi-Arabia (Teyma) 2x7 7 (?) (?) ---
Bestemshi Бестемщі, Bestemshe Kazakhstan 2x5 5 single capturing most counters variant of Toguz Kumalak; children's game
Bule Perga --- India (Kanara) 2x7 4 Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters symbolizes "harvest"
Ceelkoqyuqkoqiji Aemeibushishi, Ceelmeiyuqmeiji, Lildvqkojji China (Yunnan) 2x5+1 5 small counters in each of the first 5 holes; 1 big one in the last hole Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters (big counter is worth 5, 6 or 7 small ones as agreed before the game started) played by the Naxi, either by two players or by two teams of two players
Cenne --- India (South Kanara) 2x7 4 multiple capturing most counters played by Tuluva women; related to the Siri cult
Chato Chuka, Djoenka, Jungka, Tjato, Tjoeka Indonesia (North Sumatra) (?) (?) (?) (?) probably related to Congkak; rules not yet described
Chonka I Chanka, Chonku, Pallankuli Sri Lanka 2x7 7 multiple capturing most counters related to Congkak; introduced by Malay immigrants
Chonka II Tjonka Indonesia (west coast of Borneo) (?) (?) (?) (?) probably related to Congkak; rules not yet described
Congkak Chongkak, Congklak, Main Congkak, Tikum Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore 2x5, 7 or 9 5, 7 or 9 (respective board size) multiple capturing most counters tournaments in Malaysia, France and the USA, although it is often considered a children's game
Dakon --- Indonesia (Java) 2x6-10 6-10 (respective board size) multiple capturing most counters solved game
Dampu --- Indonesia (Celebes) 2x(?) (?) multiple capturing most counters all moves are performed simultaneously
Dara-dara --- Indonesia (Celebes) 2x7 4 multiple capturing most counters closely related to Galatjang
Daramutu Ellaewala-kanda Sri Lanka 2x7 4 multiple capturing most counters women's game
Devare Āṭa --- India (Kanara) 2x(?) (?) (?) (?) rules not yet recorded; 4 players
Dong Wo --- China (Yunnan) 2x5 5 small counters in each of the first 4 holes; 1 big one in the last hole Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters (big counter is worth 5 small ones) played by the Achang; related to Laomuzhuqi I
Dongjintian --- China (Yunnan) 4x5 5 Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters played by the Hani
Eson Khorgol Eson Xorgol Mongolia (Bajan Ölgij) 2x5 9 single capturing most counters played by the Kazakh minority
Evcik --- Turkey (Muğla) 2x(?) (?) (?) (?) ---
Galatjang --- Indonesia (Celebes) 2x7 7 multiple capturing most counters customary to be played at the time of mourning
Halusa Hālūsa, Hālūsi Iraq 2x6 6 single capturing most counters related to Mangala
Hawalis Bao Kiarabu (Variant II) Oman, Tanzania (Zanzibar) 4x7 2 multiple immobilize the opponent tournaments in Oman; played by Arabian men
Hunse Pace Āṭa --- India (Karnataka) (?) (?) (?) (?) rules not yet described
Jōḍu Perga --- India (Kanara) 2x7 4 Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters related to Bule Perga
Kaci --- India (Madurai, Tamil Nadu) 2x7 14 Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters ---
Kaloleh --- Indonesia (Central Sumatra) (?) (?) (?) (?) rules not yet described
Kánji-guti --- India (Orissa) 2x7 (central holes are "neutral") 12, except for the 2 neutral holes, which have 1 Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters ---
Kashiyāṭa --- India (Hassan region, Karnataka) 2x7 12 (?) (?) women's game; 2-3 players
Khutki-boia --- India (Punjab) 2x5 5 Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters ---
Khuzhi Palaka --- India (Kerala) (?) (?) Pussa Kanawa (?) capturing most counters (?) played with Tamarind seeds; played by Malayalam-speaking Dravidians
Kawaḍi Āṭa --- India (Hassan region, Karnataka) 2x7 5 Pusse Kanawa capturing most counters women's game
Kodi Mule --- India (Kanara) 2x(?) (?) (?) (?) rules not yet recorded
Kotu-baendum --- Sri Lanka 2x7 4 multiple capturing most counters women's game
Kozdatu Қоздату Kazakhstan 2x7 7 single capturing most counters variant of Toguz Kumalak; children's game
La'b Madjnuni --- Syria 2x7 a total of 98, which are distributed as wished, but each hole must contain at least 2 multiple capturing most counters outcome is determined by set-up
La'b Hakimi La'b Akila Syria 2x7 7 multiple capturing most counters ---
La'b rosëya --- Syria 2x7 7 multiple capturing most counters children's game; first players always wins
Laomuzhu --- China (Yunnan) 2x5 5 small counters in 4 holes; 1 big one in another hole Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters played by the Han
Laomuzhukeng --- China (Yunnan) 2-4x5 (depending on the number of players) 5 (?) small counters in 4 holes; 1 big one in another hole Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters played by the Han; 2-4 players; related to Laomuzhu
Laomuzhuqi I --- China (Yunnan) 2x5 5 small counters in each of the first 4 holes; 1 big one in the last hole Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters (big counter is worth 5 small ones) played by the Han; related to Dong Wo
Laomuzhuqi II --- China (Yunnan) 2-5x5 (depending on the number of players) 5 small counters in 4 holes; 1 big one in another hole Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters (big counter is worth 5 small ones) played by the Han; children's game, nearly extinct
Longbeu-a-cha --- India (Assam) 2x5 5 Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters played by the Lakhar
Mak Khom Main Chakot Thailand (Malay Peninsula) 2x4 (?) multiple capturing most counters variant of Congkak
Mak-hu-hai --- China (Yunnan) 2-3x5 (depending on the number of players) 5 small counters in the first 4 holes; 1 big one in the last hole Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters (big counter is worth 5 small ones (?)) played by the Dai; 2-3 players
Mangala --- Turkey (Southeast Anatolia) 2x6-7 5 single capturing most counters derived from Arabian games
Manqala Al-manqala Israel (Galilee) 2x7 7 single capturing most counters popular in Palestinian guesthouses
Matoe --- Indonesia (Eastern Sumba) (?) (?) (?) (?) a board is in the Museum Volkenkunde; rules not yet described
Mawkar Katiya --- India (Cherrapunji) 2x7 5 Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters played by the Khasis
Mechiwa Metjiwa Indonesia (Bali) 2x5 (?) (?) (?) rules not yet described
Meneli Taş --- Turkey (Ilgın) 2x5 (?) - a total of 21 per player (?) (?) ---
Mereköçdü --- Azerbaidshan 2x3 7 (?) (?) ---
Meuchoh Meutjoh Indonesia (Acheh) (?) (?) multiple capturing most counters ---
Meuliëh --- Indonesia (Acheh) (?) (?) Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters ---
Meusuëb Meusoeëb Indonesia (Acheh) 2x6 4 Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters women's game
Meuta' --- Indonesia (Acheh) (?) (?) multiple capturing most counters ---
Motiq I Ka Ia Indonesia (Lomblen) 2x7 4 multiple capturing most counters related to Aw-li On-nam Ot-tjin
Motiq II Éu Léu, Kéu Léu Indonesia (Lomblen) 2x7 7 multiple capturing most counters related to Congkak
Naranj --- Maldives 2x8 5 multiple capturing most counters related to Congkak
Nikkikkaḷi --- India (Northern Kerala) (?) (?) Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters children's game
Ohvalhu --- Maldives 2x7 7 multiple capturing most counters popular pastime of women during Ramadhan; solved game; related to Congkak
Olinda Deliya --- Sri Lanka 2x7 4 Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters associated with the goddess Pattini
Ô Ăn Quan Ô Láng Northern Vietnam (Hoah Binh (?)) 2x5+1 5 in each of the 5 small holes; 10 in the big hole Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters perhaps played on the "pan u ao" board (Muong people) shown in the Musée du Quai Branly, Paris; derived from games in China (Yunnan)
Pachgarhwa --- India (Uttar Pradesh) 2x5 5 Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters popular
Pallamkurie Pallam Kuzhi, Pallanguri India (Tamil Nadu) 2x7 4 or 6 Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters played between women or between men, but not men and women together; associated with nalangu rites
Pallankuzhi Pallam Kuzhi, Pallanguzhi, Pallanguli, Pallankuli India (Tamil Nadu), Sri Lanka 2x7 4 or 6 Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters Tamil women's game
Pannankuri Pantinkuri India (Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu) 2x7 5 Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters women's game
Pandi --- India (Tamil Nadu?) 2x7 5 Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters ---
Papan Dakon --- Indonesia (Java, Sumatra, Ternate Island) 2x7 7 Multiple capturing most counters ---
Puhulmutu --- Sri Lanka 2x7 4 multiple capturing most counters ---
Puṭṭu Gobbanu Kawa Aṭa India (Kanara) 2x(?) (?) (?) (?) rules not yet recorded; indefinite number of players
Pasu Pondi Pallanguzhi Āṭam, Pasu Pandi, Pondi Āṭam India (Tamil Nadu) 2x7 5 or 6 Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters Tamil women's game
Piç --- Turkey (East Anatolia) 3x2-5 (depends on the number of players) 9 or 12 single capturing most counters probably related to the Kazakh Toguz Kumalak; can be played by 2-5 players
Raja Pasu --- India (Tamil Nadu (?), Sri Lanka 2x7 7 Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters women's game
Raja Pasu Mandiri --- Sri Lanka 2x7 (central 3 holes of each row controlled by 3rd player) 7 Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters women's game; 3 players; related to Arasu Atta
Rajāṭa --- India (Hassan region, Karnataka) 2x7 5 Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters women's game; related to Bule Perga
Rama rildok --- Nepal (?) (?) (?) (?) (?)
Sadāṭa --- India (Hassan region, Karnataka) 2x7 5 Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters women's game; related to Cenne
Sai --- Indonesia (Flores) 2x7 4 multiple capturing most counters related to Aw-li On-nam Ot-tjin
Sat-gol Satgol India (Madhya Pradesh) 1x7 (circle) 4 Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters ---
Seethaipandi Asokavāṭam, Sita-Lakshmi Āṭa, Sita Āṭa, Sitāṭa India (Kanara, Tamil Nadu) 2x7 1-7 (first hole 1, second 2, third 3, and so on) Pussa Kanawa repetition of board position solitaire game played by women; symbolically related to the goddess Sita Devi
Sungka Sungca, Sunka, Chuncajon Philippines 2x7 7 multiple capturing most counters tournaments in the Philippines, Taiwan, South Africa, England and the USA; a women's game
Tap-urdy --- Turkmenistan 2x6 4 multiple capturing most counters probably influenced by Indian games
Tatak --- Pakistan 2x7 (?) (?) (?) played in the Upper Indus Valley
Tchouka Tchuka Ruma Indonesia nx1 variable multiple capturing most counters solitaire game related to Congkak
Til-guti --- India (Chota Nagpur) 2x7 5 Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters played by the Bhirots
Toguz Kumalak Тоғыз құмалақ Toğız qumalaq, toghyz qumalaq, тогуз кумалак, Togus Kumalak, Тогуз Коргоол, Toguz Khorgool, Toguz Korgool Afghanistan (Badakhshan), China (Dzungaria), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia (Bajan Ölgij), Russia (Altay, Khakassia, Tuva), Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan (Karakalpakstan) 2x9 9 single capturing most counters tournaments in Kazakhstan, Turkey, England, and the Czech Republic; played wherever Kazakh and Kyrgyz people are living
Ünee Tugalluulax Unee Tugaluulax Mongolia (Bajan Ölgij) 2x3 6 single capturing most counters played by the Kazakh minority; symbolizes "fertility"
Vai Lung Thlan Vai Lung Thlān India (Mizoram) 2x6 5 single capturing most counters played by both sexes
Walak-pussa --- Sri Lanka 2x7 4 Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters ---
Yucebao --- China (Yunnan) 2x5+1 5 small counters in each of the first 5 holes; 1 big one in the last hole Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters (big counter is worth 5 small ones) played by the Bai
Zigulzoqge --- China (Yunnan) 2-4x4-6 (each player 1 row) 5 Pussa Kanawa capturing most counters played by the Hani; 2-4 players

Traditional Mancala Games in Australia and Oceania[]

Game Alternative Names Region Board Counters Laps Goal Additional Information
"Mankalaspiel von Arguni" --- Indonesia (Arguni, Westpapua) 2x5 (?) per hole (?) (?) rules and name are not known; board in the Museum der Weltkulturen, Frankfurt (Germany)
Chongka' --- Marianas 2x7 7 per hole multiple capturing most counters closely related to Sungka

Traditional Mancala Games in Europe[]

Game Alternative Names Region Board Counters Laps Goal Additional Information
"Mancala Andaluza" --- Spain (Andalusia) 2x4 - 2x5 ? (?) (?) extinct game played in Al-Andalus
Baltisches Bohnenspiel Kardis-Bohnenspiel, marketed as Badari Estonia, Germany 2x6 6 per hole single capturing most counters also taught in Kazakhstan
Ban-Ban --- Bosnia and Herzegovina 2x? ? single (?) (?) related game probably existed in Serbia
"Carolina Solitaire" --- Bulgaria 1xany variable reverse repetition of board position Bulgarian name not yet known in the west
Deutsches Bohnenspiel --- Germany (Pomerania, East Prussia) 2x9 ? single (?) capturing most counters (?) probably similar to the Baltisches Bohnenspiel
Mandoli --- Greece (Cyclades) 2x6 6 per hole single capturing most counters related to Turkish mancala games
"Weikersheimer Mankalaspiel" --- Germany (Castle Weikersheim) 2x6 ? single (?) ? rules and name of the game are forgotten

Traditional Mancala Games in North America[]

Game Alternative Names Region Board Counters Laps Goal Additional Information
Adji Kui I --- Cuba (Matanzas) 2x6 4 per hole single capturing most counters played by the Arará; related to Oware
Adji Kui II --- Cuba (Matanzas) 2x6 4 per hole single capturing most counters played by the Arará; related to Hoyito I
Hoyito I --- Dominican Republic 2x6-12 4 per hole multiple capturing most counters children's game (once a women's game)
Hoyito II --- Dominican Republic 2x6-12 4 per hole multiple capturing most counters children's game (once a women's game)
Hoyito III --- Dominican Republic 2x6-12 4 per hole multiple capturing most counters children's game (once a women's game)
Barbados Warri English Wari Barbados 2x6 4 per hole single capturing most counters tournaments; related to Oware
Round-and-Round Warri French Wari, Rounds Barbados 2x6 4 per hole multiple capturing most counters related to Ayo
Voleur --- Haiti 2x6 4 per hole single capturing most counters children's game
Wahree --- United States Virgin Islands (Saint Croix) 2x6 4 per hole single capturing most counters tournaments; introduced to the Virgin Islands more than 200 years ago; similiar to Oware
Warra --- USA (Louisiana) (?) (?) single (?) capturing most counters (?) rules not yet described
Warri I --- Antigua, Barbuda 2x6 4 per hole single capturing most counters tournaments; related to Oware
Warri II --- Trinidad 2x6 4 per hole single capturing most counters played by plantation slaves in the 19th century and well into the early 20th century
Warri III Kay (?) Haiti 2x6 4 per hole multiple capturing most counters played by women and men, young and old alike
Waurie Island Wari, Warie, Wauri Grand Cayman 2x6 4 per hole single running out of moves reportedly a favourite pastime of Ernest Hemingway
Wa-wee --- Santa Lucia 2x6 4 per hole single capturing most counters tournaments; related to Oware
Woll --- Jamaica 2x6 4 per hole single capturing most counters related to Oware
Worri --- Bahamas (?) (?) (?) (?) (?)

Traditional Mancala Games in South America[]

Game Alternative Names Region Board Counters Laps Goal Additional Information
A-i-ú --- Brazil (Bahia) 2x6 (?) (?) capturing most counters probably related to the Nigerian game of Ayo; rules not yet described
Adji-boto --- Suriname 2x5 10 per hole single capturing most counters played by the Bush-Negroes to entertain the death at the time of mourning; related to mancala games in Benin
Awari --- Suriname (coast) 2x6 4 per hole single capturing most counters related to Oware
Langa-holo Adji-pre Langa Holo Suriname 2x6 4 per hole single capturing most counters played by the Djuka; related to Oware
Lontu-holo Adji-pre Lontu Holo Suriname 2x6 4 per hole single passing all seeds to the opponent played by the Djuka
Wari --- Guyana (coast) 2x6 4 per hole single capturing most counters related to Oware

See also[]

Modern sowing games


Adapted from the Wikinfo article, "Traditional mancala games", used under the GNU Free Documentation License.
