No Seed is a political drama produced by Mitzi and Howard Allen of HAMA films, an Antiguan and Barbuda independent film and television company, in 2002. It premiered at the Royal Antiguan Resort on November 23, 2002. Later the movie was shown in Barbados, Montserrat, St. Marten, Trinidad & Tobago and in the USA. It was highly praised by Molwyn Joseph, the Minister of Tourism and Environment of Antigua & Barbuda, and received critical acclaim from the Department of Cinema and Photography at Ithaca College (Ithaka, NY). The title is derived from the Antiguan proverb "When you play Warri with God, you get no seed".
No Seed tells a story of power and deception. The tale is set on St. Mark, a fictitious island, and parallels a Warri game. There is even a scene with Grand Master Trevor "Simple" Simon. The film demonstrates what Caribbean politicians will do to stay or to seize power. It is full of unexpected turns of betrayal, murder and sheer evil.
The film was screened in Antigua, Barbuda, Montserrat, Suriname and New York.
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© Ralf Gering
Under the CC by-sa 2.5 license.